Friday, April 25, 2014

People,Films and Books that Helped Me along the way.

If I never watched Fat Sick and Nearly Dead where would I be today ? But I watched it and that started me on my journey.  Here is a short list of some of the resources I used In the early stages.

Like I said Fat,Sick and Nearly Dead  opened my eyes with the Story of Phil and I realized if this guy can change so can I. This film is about doing a juice cleanse to loss weight but the main point I got out of it was that we are so overweight and sick cause we eat so much food with no nutritional value !!

Forks Over Knifes:
Probably the most Important film any one can every watch. This film will change everything you ever knew about heath. After watching this I had to question everything I was every told by doctors, the government, in school, society and of cause on TV. You will learn quickly how MILK doesn't do a body good.  I learned  how most disease: heart attacks, diabetes,cancer ,osteoporosis  and a host of other are caused by eating a diet heavy in animal fats and proteins. But the good news is you will see stories of people that reverse they path by changing to a plant based diet.

Dr Fuhrman  book Eat to Live isn't a diet book but a book on how to live life to the fullest by eating a diet full of nutrient dense foods. He says " The more nutrient-dense food you consume, the more you will be satisfied with fewer calories, and the less you will crave fat and high-calorie foods" . He promotes a Diet of 80-90% whole plant foods and 10 % everything else. He also shows in this book people with all different weight issues and health issue that they path was reversed just by Eating a Whole Food Plant Based Diet.

This is the program I basically started my weight loss journey on and the weight flew off. The great thing about his program is you are always eating you aren't counting calories.

So what you do after you start losing all this weight and have all this energy. Exercise of cause so I took up running. I am a big believe in you need to keep yourself motivated by books, films and videos. And I came across this next guys book.

So here is this guy Rich Roll in his 40's, 50 pounds over weight,workaholic fast food junkie walking up the stairs to go to bed on night and is out of breath. That was his wake up call. So he decides to change. Does some fasting and gives up meat. Than the amazing thing happens he has so much energy he takes up running and within a year enters a race called UltraMan (It's a three-day race covering 320 miles on the big island of Hawaii, including a 10-kilometer ocean swim, more than 260 miles by bike and a double marathon run.) oh and with no experience he finished 11th .  Its never to late to change .......
Rich has a great podcast also that is so encouraging

Their are so many other resources that I used over the last 2 years .  
Here are some other great books :
Whole  by Dr. Colin Campbell

The Starch Solution by Dr McDougall (yes starches are good for you )

The 80/10/10 Diet by Dr. Douglas Graham

Thrive: The Vegan Nutrition Guide to Optimal Performance in Sports and Life by Brenden Brazier

Approaching the Natural: A Health Manifesto by Sid Garza-Hillman (This is a great simply easy to read book )

Eat to run by Scott Jurek

No Meat Athlete: Run on Plants and Discover Your Fittest, Fastest, Happiest Self by Matt Frazier

Remember just because something works for someone else doesn't mean it will work for you. But it is your responsibility to educate yourself and figure out what works best for you so you can live a healthy,happy long life.